The Delaplaine offers free workshops that explore various artists and art techniques throughout history. These workshops are a part of our Community Outreach Initiative and are made possible through donations from the Helen L. Smith Scholarship Fund for Children and the Arts at the Community Foundation of Frederick County. Helen Smith Free Workshops for Kids are held on most first Saturdays, 1–3 pm.

See current COVID guidance and masking requirements here.



Preregistration is required. The registration request form is available below, beginning at noon on Tuesday two weeks prior to each workshop. Submitting a registration request form is not a guarantee of enrollment; you will receive email confirmation (or regrets) based on availability. Preference is given to first-time participants.

  • Helen Smith Workshops are geared for children.
  • No unauthorized visitors are permitted.
  • Parents are welcome to visit the galleries while the workshops are in session.
  • Submitting a registration request form is not a guarantee of enrollment.
  • You will receive email confirmation (or regrets) based on availability. 
  • Preference is given to first-time participants.



Saturday, September 7 • 1–3 pm 

The registration for the September workshops is now closed.

China Vase Still Life (Ages 6-8)

Terri Steele

Create a colorful still life vase full of brightly painted blooms!

Klee and Calder Inspired Watercolor Exploration (Ages 9-12)

David Modler Jenny Kirk

Create works inspired by artists Paul Klee and Alexander Calder using crayon resist and many other watercolor techniques!



Saturday, October 5 • 1–3 pm (OFFSITE: Thurmont Library)

The registration for the October workshops will be available for registration through a form below on Tuesday, September 24th at noon.

Clay Ceations (Ages 6-8)

Elizabeth Jenkins

Experiment with fun and versatile polymer clay to create mini food creations, including breakfast foods, dessert, fruit, veggies, and so much more! Learn all about miniature sculpting, creating realistic texture, and the tools used in polymer clay work.

Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bags (Ages 9-12)

Clustered Spires Quilt Guild

Sew a tote bag perfect for stowing away your Halloween loot, books of spooky stories, and more! This basic tote pattern will teach construction techniques using simplified, frustration-free methods. After learning the basics, these totes can be made over and over in a variety of fabrics to create shopping bags, gifts, and more.


Saturday, November 5 • 1–3 pm 

The registration for the November workshops will be available for registration through a form below on Tuesday, October 22th at noon.

Sewing Catnip Kickers (Ages 6-8)

Clustered Spires Quilt Guild

Sew up the perfect toy for your furry friends! This fun project will use vintage hand crank sewing machines to create simple catnip filled toys that kitties cannot resist. Then if you like, sew extras to be donated to the Animal Welfare League!

Colorful Collage! (Ages 9-12)

Elizabeth Jenkins

Explore using mixed media techniques to create colorful and unique collages! Collages are artworks made from different pieces of paper, photos, and other materials, arranged creatively and attached to a larger surface, and, if desired, drawing or painting on top.


Saturday, December 7 • 1–3 pm 

The registration for the October workshops will be available for registration through a form below on Tuesday, November 26th at noon.

Portraits Like Picasso (Ages 6-8)

David Modler

Channel your inner Picasso as you make a portrait in the wacky and expressive style of the artist himself! Gift your special portrait to friends or family!

Sudsy Stocking Stuffer: Felted Soap (Ages 9-12)

Elizabeth Jenkins

Create the perfect gift while also learning the technique of wet felting with colorful fibers!