Because Everyone Deserves Art

The Delaplaine is committed to make art accessible to all, bringing art education and experiences to young and old, regardless of background or economic level. Seniors, preschoolers, adults with disabilities, homeless and at-risk youth, and economically disadvantaged people of all ages are just some of those who are served through our Community Engagement programs.

To inquire about outreach workshops and experiences for your organization or group, please contact Jillian MacMaster, Community Engagement Manager (301-698-0656 x105).

Specialized Programs for Outreach Partners

Our community engagement partners the Delaplaine with other local nonprofit organizations and service agencies to create programming specific to the needs of the people they serve. Through these partnerships, we bring a variety of engaging and educational visual art experiences to enhance the quality of life for thousands of people each year. Some of our MOU partners have included:

  • Alzheimer’s Association of Frederick County
  • Arc of Frederick County
  • Boys and Girls Club of Frederick County
  • Centro Hispano de Frederick
  • Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership (COIPP)
  • City Youth Matrix
  • Daybreak Adult Day Services
  • There Difference 2-17
  • The Frederick Center
  • Frederick County Division of Aging
  • Girl Scouts
  • Head Start of Frederick County (YMCA)
  • Housing Authority of the City of Frederick
  • The Judy Center
  • On the Mark (Frederick County Health Department)
  • Platoon 22
  • Scott Key Center
  • Unified Community Connections
  • Way Station
  • Wells House/Gale Recovery

Program Partnerships

The Delaplaine also provides specialized activities for and co-sponsors programs with organizations such as the African-American Resources Cultural and History Society (AARCH), Linking Youth to New Experiences at Frederick High (LYNX), and the Literacy Council of Frederick County. We also provide exhibition space to many other organizations and schools such as Fort Detrick, Kids Like Us, Maryland School for the Deaf, and the Frederick County Senior Centers, among others. Artworks created through these partnerships are displayed in the Community Outreach Gallery. Artworks created by outside organizations and schools are displayed in the Community Art Gallery.

Testimonials from Participants and Partners

The Arc of Frederick County was thrilled to partner with The Delaplaine Arts Center to support people with disabilities to expand their communities as they learn new skills. An introduction to the arts is important as it serves as a creative way for people of all abilities to express themselves and tell stories in their own unique way. The customized class is serving as an introductory pathway towards the arts.” –Aaron Stephens, Special Projects Director, The Arc of Frederick County

The Delaplaine Art Center’s generous invitation to include our public housing residents in art classes that would otherwise be out of reach, is indeed worth celebrating.  It is a true community art center that invites all community members from all walks of life to have a place in creating art.” –Ann Ryan, Director of Family Services, Housing Authority of the City of Frederick

Thank you, the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Maryland, the Frederick Senior Center, and The Delaplaine Arts Center for sponsoring art classes for caregivers and their loved ones. … It has made a big difference in me and my life.” –Partners in the Arts participant

Art Kit Project

The initiative also includes one-time programs and activities like the Art Kit Project, which provides quality art supplies to youth in crisis and/or experiencing homelessness, and those who otherwise may not be able to access scheduled programming. Kits are distributed through our organizational partners.

You Can Help Us Reach Even More

Although formal organizational partners change from year to year, based on circumstance and the needs of our program partners, one thing that does not change is our commitment to realize our vision that “everyone deserves art.” Essential to the success of our programs are the individuals, businesses, and organizations who support the Community Engagement programs through donations and program sponsorships. We invite you to become an active participant and help us to bring life-changing arts experiences to all.


Did you just complete a Community Engagement workshop with us? Please complete the survey below to share your feedback.
Click here if you were a student in the workshop.
Click here if you are the employee/admin of the partner organization.